A woman with a history of arthritis and knee problems ended up being taken to A&E by ambulance because her GP practice was unable to respond...
Abundant urban green space is linked to lower rates of heat-related illness and death
Abundant green space in urban areas is linked to lower rates of heat-related illness and death as well as better mental health and...
Investing in prevention is ‘good for patients and improving public health, but also the economy’
A report that was published earlier this week (7 October) shows that investing in preventive measures – including improving health...
Researchers using Advent calendar approach to encourage physical activity were pleased with results
A bid to prompt people to become more physically active by delivering messages via an imaginative Christmas-style advent calendar produced promising...
A Q&A with Anna Lowe about Sheffield’s Move More initiative – a slogan that sums up her lifestyle!
In an exclusive Q&A with PhysioUpdate, physiotherapist, researcher and eductator Anna Lowe discusses her involvement with various public health...
Action needed to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity and protect health
More than 200 journals aimed at healthcare professionals have urged world leaders to take urgent steps to tackle the ‘catastrophic harm’...
Spending money to fix potential fall hazards in Maori homes in New Zealand reaps dividends
A programme to remedy potential hazards in 126 properties housing Maori people in two regions of New Zealand proved to be worthwhile...
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