Clinical pearls, leadership know-how and practical-based workshops: that’s what delegates attending a conference in Newcastle upon Tyne in September are being promised.
Last year’s conference sold out, so early booking is advisable, according to the organisers, the not-for-profit North East Musculoskeletal (MSK) Society (NEMS). Physiotherapists and other clinicians wanting to attend the MSK Change Catalyst event on Saturday 23 September can book now at the early bird rate of £75 (instead of £90).
A strong line-up of physiotherapy and therapy speakers will tackle topics with titles that include: ‘How strong are your feet?’ (Liz Bailey); ‘Exercise adherence: Making the most of the other 167 hours’ (Mike James); and ‘Rehabilitation of the unstable shoulder: Where are we at?’ (Anju Jaggi).
The publicity materials promote a concept adopted by NEMS chair physio Darren Finnegan, with delegates being encouraged to take a ‘micro versus macro approach to health and healthcare’. They will be able to ‘zoom out whilst zooming in deeper to what we do as clinicians’, the materials suggest.
‘Much like using a camera, at times the best picture is super focused, yet at times, a broad-based wide lens approach helps capture the picture-perfect moment. Hopefully this year, the NEMS 2023 conference will provide many memories that you will cherish, utilise and implement with your team or patients.’
Hopefully this year, the NEMS 2023 conference will provide many memories that you will cherish, utilise and implement with your team or patients [Darren Finnegan]
Creating high-performance cultures
David Clancy’s workshop will focus on developing a high-performance culture, while Adam Dobson will lead an afternoon session in decision making in lumbar radicular pain. Conference numbers at one-day events can dwindle before the final speaker takes the stage, but this is unlikely to be the case at this one.
Jack Chew, who was recently elected to the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy’s council and who also leads a lunchtime panel discussion, will set delegates an exciting challenge: either MSK care must adapt or it will perish.
Later in the evening, delegates will get a chance to wind-down after the nine-hour event at a social gathering being held at the Bealim House bar and restaurant, sited in Newcastle’s famous Gallowgate street.
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