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Physiotherapy Meets Technology: The Data-Driven Revolution

Sep 2, 2024

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Ian McMillan

Gone are the days of guesswork being acceptable in musculoskeletal (MSK) assessments. As Physiotherapy continues to progress towards a data-driven, patient-centric approach; innovative clinical technologies are transforming how we objectively assess, treat, and monitor our patients to optimise outcomes and enhance their overall experience.

Here, we explore 5 key measurement tools from Gait and Motion Technology which provide quick, accurate and actionable data to take your patient care to the next level…


Range of motion measurement is the foundation of any physical examination. EasyAngle is a unique, digital goniometer designed to quickly and accurately assess joint mobility in all 3 planes using one hand; providing outcome measures that allow you to monitor patient recovery and objectively compare the result of therapies pre- and post-treatment.


Quantifying isometric strength is an equally important part of the assessment process, often subjectively indicated via the Oxford Muscle Grading Scale. EasyForce is a digital dynamometer that takes the guesswork out of manual muscle testing with fast, precise measurements of muscle strength and symmetry to assist with the design of treatment plans, objectively monitor progress and enhance patient motivation.


Formally recognised as the first and only gait analysis system to gain ‘Professional Approval’ from the Royal College of Podiatry, Footscan is a diverse and powerful tool for Physiotherapists. This portable system enables you to capture postural, balance, functional movement (e.g. squat, jump and press-up), gait and running data in 5 minutes with instant, visual feedback and reports. Better still, you can expand your clinical services and offer the award-winning Phits orthotics; the world’s first dynamic data-driven 3D printed devices!


Inertial Measurement Unit’s (IMU’s) are devices that measure acceleration, orientation, angular velocity and other gravitational forces via in-built accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers. baiobit is a small, handheld IMU that complements the Physiotherapist with a wide range of clinical and functional assessments, with instant reports and normative ranges to allow objective monitoring of patient progress. With test protocols including, gait, balance, range of motion, timed-up-and-go and more, baiobit is one of the most comprehensive clinical motion analysis tools available today.

Myontec Mbody:

Measuring muscle activity is a vital part of helping patients to recover better and faster. By assessing which muscles are firing and when, Physiotherapists can pinpoint where issues lie to identify weaknesses, tailor treatment plans, monitor rehabilitation and optimise performance. To date, this has been a complex, expensive task; often confined to Universities and Gait Laboratories. However, times are changing…

Myontec Mbody is the world’s first range of wearable compression garments with embedded electromyography (EMG) sensors and IMU’s to accurately measure and analyse muscle performance in real time, in the real world. Whether you are assessing patients in clinic, or athletes in the field, seamlessly capture extensive muscle data via a simple to use software with advanced problem detection features.

Join us in embracing the future of Physiotherapy, where data-driven practice ensures evidence-based decisions are made!

For more information and pricing, simply complete the contact form below, select your technologies of interest and a Gait and Motion Technology expert will be in touch: https://www.gaitandmotion.co.uk/contact

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