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The kBox – offering safe, controlled and effective training for all of your patients.

Mar 7, 2023


Ian McMillan


The kBox can solve your problem as a rehab clinician offering safe, controlled and effective training for all of your patients.

Clinicians working within rehabilitation must have a comprehensive tool box to serve patients with a wide range of physical conditions, pain and performance levels, mobility and so on. Thus, flywheel training on the Exxentric kBox is a versatile and effective solution to treat clients’ varied requirements.

Practical advantages

The kBox offers everything from low force, low speed training up to high forces, power training and the possibility of everything from pure concentric contractions to eccentric overload. All this provided in a safe, ergonomic and soundless manner with minimal risk of injury. With its small and portable size, the kBox also fits easily into the more compact of clinics or even the patient’s home when convenient.

Using a computerised feedback system such as the kMeter, it’s easy to monitor your patient’s effort and power output. This is also useful if you want to limit their training load or follow their progression over time. Having the visual feedback can be a helpful motivational tool for your patient.

Physiological advantages

The kBox uses flywheel technology which offers variable resistance, decreasing the need to shift weights and allowing the patient to determine the force output . This results in an effective workout that is also safe and has a lower risk of injury. The variable resistance applied produces a variable lever offering a smooth resistance throughout the exercise which strengthens the muscle over the whole range of motion (ROM). ROM is also easily adjusted if you want to limit the depth of the movement e.g. in a squat. This is useful if you want to prevent your patient working beyond certain angles, a common requirement during various rehabilitation pathways. (Watch video).

The kBox harness automatically distributes pressure from the load equally over both shoulders and also reduces torque on the lower back if the patient’s technique isn’t perfect. This helps to reduce injuries caused by incorrect lifting technique. From the first day in the clinic your patient  can start performing squats and other functional lower limb exercises even if they are completely new to this type of lift.

Eccentric load is widely accepted to be the most effective way to treat tendinosis. Our line of flywheel training equipment enables this in a way that has never been simpler. Using different types of methods you can apply a significant eccentric load in all possible exercises and movement planes.

As with flywheel training in general, rehab training with flywheel devices has a solid foundation in scientific support and evidence based practice. Convincing examples include studies eccentric training in tendinopathy (Murtaugh & Ihm 2013), eccentric training for elderly (Gault & Willems 2013) and flywheel training with elderly (Onambele 2008).


Some examples of applications of the kBox in rehab settings include:

  • post-operative rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction (read more),
  • rehabilitation of tendinopathies,
  • prevention of recurrent injuries, or prehab,
  • treatment of patellofemoral knee pain syndrome, and
  • adapted training during periods of injury.

Flywheel training on the Exxentric kBox is already being utilised by rehab clinics in the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK, with several other countries following close behind. The kBox is also in use in sports medicine for rehab and injury prevention, including in European elite football teams and cycling, as well as emergency services.]

Medical Systems

The Exxentric Medical Systems are intended to help physiotherapists and other medical practitioners in deciding on the best suited set of flywheel training devices and accessories.

Each system consists of both the traditional Exxentric devices and accessories as well as the custom made items designed for use in the medical field.



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